
The Guardian World News

Sunday, 13 February 2011

9/11 was an inside job

It's a fact that the events that happened on september 11th cannot have happened how the government say it happened. It is impossible to hijack a plane and go of course without someone noticing it in the US or any other developed nation because of the sensors and systems of surveillance and protocol that are in place. Why did building 7 collapse from the bottom up perfectly into its own footprint without getting hit by a plane and only having a few sporadic fires on a few floors?. Why are there only a few frames of evidence showing what hit the pentagon despite it being the most protected and watched building on the planet? What happened to the Rolls Royce engines that belonged to the plane that hit the pentagon? The pictures of those engines on google images are not Rolls Royce engines. How is it that two massive steel framed buildings that were designed to take the impact of the boeing 707 were hit and collapsed due to the fire created by the jet fuel. Are we to believe that the designers imagined the 707 would crash into the building without any fuel onboard? Perhaps they thought that the Boeing 707 could fly just by blowing in the wind. How did the buildings that were only damaged 2/3 of the way up collapse into dust at just over free fall speed considering there was so much undamaged steel and concrete below the damaged section at the top. There has only ever been 3 recorded incidents of steel framed building collapsing due to fire and they all happened on the same day. We owe it to the innocent people who lost their lives on the day and the millions that have died in the wars that came out of that event to try and find out what happened, loose change isa very good starting point.

the war has begun